How Does a Loving God Send People to Hell?

Marc Gagnon   -  

These discussion questions are connected to the message, Questions We Don’t Ask in Church: How Does a Loving God Send People to Hell? from Sunday, April 28, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. Were you aware that there have been multiple views of the afterlife? What has been your understanding of hell? Has it changed over time?
  2. What, if anything about hell have you struggled with? How has Marc’s message either challenged or validated your concept of hell?
  3. Has hell been the primary driver for you for sharing Jesus with others? If so, without the threat of hell, what would be the motivation for inviting people to follow Jesus? (Hint: Romans 2:4; John 14:9)
  4. How is the concept of Eternal Conscious Torment (hell) more reflective of us and our desire for retribution than of God and grace?