Proverbs 31

Robyn Elliott   -  

These questions are connected to the message from Stuff We Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Proverbs 31 from Sunday, May 12, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. If you’re familiar with Proverbs 31, how have you held this passage of Scripture? Has it been a source of comfort, a list of expectations, or an inventory of impossible standards to be challenged?
  2. Do you see it any differently after hearing this message? What stood out to you most?
  3. Robyn explained that Proverbs 31 is a poem written in a patriarchal culture where women are used for their domestic abilities and baby-making properties. How does recognizing the cultural and historical context help us appreciate its intended message of honouring women’s diverse roles, character, and strengths?
  4. What role can you play in creating environments where women feel valued, respected, and empowered to fulfill their potential and not be held to unattainable standards?
  5. Men, are there ways you have viewed or treated women based on this passage that might need revisiting? Women, does this change the way you have viewed yourself?