
Robyn Elliott   -  

These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Bathsheba, from Sunday, June 30, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. What stood out to you from this message? What challenged you, inspired you, confused you, or angered you? What emotions did you experience while listening to this message?
  2. If this was a familiar passage to you, how would you have re-told this story to someone who’d never heard it before? And did anything from this message give you pause to reexamine what you’ve believed about this story or the way you’ve processed it?
  3. If this was a new story to you, how would you tell it to someone else? Could you clearly see the toxic themes or did it surprise you?
  4. Where do you see this idea of charisma over character today? Where does it play out in society and in the church?
  5. We clearly see questionable behaviour from David in this passage, especially in the language used – he saw, he sent, he took. How do you feel referring to David as both a murderer and a rapist?
  6. Where do you see God in this story? With an understanding of the cultural packaging and the context, where are the glimpses of God breaking through?
  7. Are there any questions you still have?