This is Us – Mike’s Story


These questions are connected to the message, This is Us – Mike’s Story.

  1. What part of Mike’s story resonated with you? Where do you see yourself? Or where are your stories different?
  2. Relationship with Jesus happens long before a “meeting Jesus” moment, but if you can pinpoint the moment Jesus became real to you, was it an explosion or a slow burn? Did you meet God in a dark time, in an unexpected place, or has God always been present to you? When did it become personal?
  3. As a teenager, Mike had two people in his life who accepted him and loved him where he was at. Who was that in your own life? If you didn’t (or don’t) have anyone like that, who are you being that person for?
  4. Mike shared that being in church felt more like a membership and less like a relationship with Jesus. What are you doing to explore and deepen your relationship with Jesus? Where are you jumping out of the boat?
  5. Have you shared your story before? If you’ve never written it down, spend some time this week getting it on paper. What things come up that you may have forgotten?