Blessed in the Mess: Christmas

Robyn Elliott   -  

Use these discussion questions with your small group, family, friends, or for personal reflection.

  1. How does the idea of “the mess of Christmas” challenge your traditional understanding of the holiday? What does it mean for you that Jesus’ birth was surrounded by scandal, discomfort, and hardship?
  2. Have you ever experienced a moment where God seemed most present in the midst of pain or mess? 
  3. What are some “messy” areas of your life where you find it hard to believe that God is at work? How can you invite God into these areas and allow Him to bring healing or restoration?
  4.  In what ways do you tend to “sanitize” or sentimentalize Christmas to make it more comfortable? 
  5. Jesus’ life and the Beatitudes often defy conventional logic (e.g., “blessed are the meek” or “blessed are those who mourn”). How do these upside-down values challenge your own priorities or worldview? How can you incorporate these principles into your daily life?
  6. In what ways do you experience a tension between your personal goals or desires and the call to follow Jesus? How can you better align your life with His mission of justice, mercy, and peace?
  7. Reflecting on Mary, Joseph, and the Magi, how do you see faith and obedience playing a role in embracing life’s messes? How can you grow in your own willingness to step out in faith, even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain?
  8. Herod believed there could only be one king. How does this idea apply to the way you view control and authority in your life? Are there areas in your life where you’re holding onto control instead of surrendering to Jesus as King?