Leaning into Lent: Day 1

Robyn Elliott   -  

As we enter into this season of Lent, we reflect on Jesus’ final week and what it reveals about his character. We explore his weeping over Jerusalem, his call for peace over power, and the crowd’s misunderstanding of his kingship. We are challenged to examine our faith and ask ourselves, “What kind of king do we truly want?” and how this question can shape our journey during this season.

Discussion Questions

  1. If you were to write your life story, which moments would you emphasize, and why? Would you focus on the highs, the lows, or the in-between moments?

  2. In the gospels, we see that Jesus wept twice. Why do you think the gospel writers chose to highlight these moments, and what do they reveal about Jesus’ character?

  3. As we enter the season of Lent, what does it mean for you personally to reflect on the last week of Jesus’ life? How can this season shape your faith journey?

  4. The gospels spend a significant amount of time on the last week of Jesus’ life. What makes this part of his story so central to our understanding of his life and his message?

  5. Have you ever thought about your own life in terms of a “last week”? If you were to imagine the most important, pivotal days of your life, what moments would stand out?

  6. The people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus with shouts of “Hosanna” but were demanding a king of their own making. How do we sometimes do the same thing in our own faith? Are there areas where we might be demanding a king who fits our expectations rather than embracing the peace Jesus offers?

  7. What do you think it means to live as a follower of Jesus in a world that often seeks power and violence as solutions? How do we adopt Jesus’ peaceable approach in the face of conflict?

  8. Jesus wept for the people of Jerusalem because they missed the type of peace he came to bring. In what ways do you think we might be blind to the peace Jesus offers in our own lives today?

  9. How do you relate to the crowd that cheered for Jesus but missed the deeper message of his kingship? Are there areas in your life where you may be looking for power or success rather than seeking humility and peace?

  10. Over the next seven weeks, as we reflect on the life of Jesus, how can we better search our hearts and ask ourselves, “What king do we really want?” How does this question challenge you to live differently during this season of Lent?