Unity Not Uniformity

Marc Gagnon   -  

These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Unity not Uniformity, from Sunday, June 2, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. If you grew up in the church, what was your experience? What traditions did you follow? What did you believe then that may be different from what you believe today? If you didn’t grow up in the church, what was your experience with or impressions of Christians?
  2. What un-Jesus-like behaviour have you seen in the church? Have you been a participant in that (hint: we all have, knowingly or unknowingly)? How do you respond to people who exhibit that type of behaviour today?
  3. Marc said unity was Jesus’ dream for the church. What does that mean to you? What does it look like here at Lakeside? And what impact does that have on how, why, and with whom you share your faith?
  4. What does deep faith, wide embrace look like in your life? How can you move toward others who see things differently from you?
  5. Read and reflect on Lakeside’s new, proposed Statement of Faith. What stands out to you? What emotions does it stir up in you? Where do you agree? Where do you disagree?