Blessed in the Mess: Blowing Up #Blessed
Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. To watch the message, use the link at the bottom of the page.
- Have you now (or previously) lost interest in church? Why? What happened?
- Read Matthew 5: 1-11 and put yourself in the sandals of someone in the upper echelons of society in Jesus’ day – someone privileged and powerful. How does this message sound to you?
- Now read Matthew 5: 1-11 again and consider Jesus’ intended audience.
- Is the point of Christianity to make us happy and comfortable? If not, what are we doing here? Why would someone want to follow Jesus?
- We’ve been on a journey of deep faith and wide embrace but would someone outside of Lakeside look at us and see a safe place to explore faith? What practical steps can our community take to become more inclusive and welcoming to those who feel marginalized? How can we shape our own lives so that when people look at us they see Jesus?
- How can we effectively communicate the radical nature of Jesus’ teachings to those unfamiliar with Christianity?
- Does Christianity today look like an alternative society or is it just a group of people who gather on a Sunday morning?