One Line At A Time: Daily Bread

Kevin Coghill   -  

Give us this day our daily bread. In this message, Kevin Coghill (from Royal City Mission) highlights the powerful symbolism of bread as both a basic need and a call to community, urging Jesus followers to share life with those on the margins, just as Jesus did. It challenges us as individuals as the church to move beyond fear of reputation and embrace the radical love of identifying with the poor, seeing them as family. Ultimately, it calls for a revolution of values where love, justice, and generosity are prioritized over personal comfort.

Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, or family, or for personal reflection.

  1. Kevin asked the question, “Do we allow our reputation to get in the way of loving others?” Why does our fear of how we’ll be perceived keep us from reaching out to those in need? How do we overcome that fear in order to serve others?
  2. How can we emulate Jesus’ example of eating with those considered “outcasts” or marginalized in society today? What does it mean to truly identify with those who are struggling?
  3. Practically, how can you share a meal with someone this week? How can you reorder your week not just to serve someone in need, but to sit and eat with them?
  4. What does it look like to consider those on the margins of society as family? How can we, at Lakeside, be more intentional about creating spaces where all people feel like they belong and have what they need?
  5. How do we confront the tension between our own desires and the needs of others? What can we do to ensure that our consumption doesn’t negatively impact those who have less?
  6. Finally, where did this message speak to your heart? What emotions are you feeling? And how can we ensure we don’t walk away without letting this message change us in some small way?