One Line At A Time: Forgiveness

Robyn Elliott   -  

Forgiveness is not just a one-time act but an ongoing process that shapes our relationships and actions. In this message (you can watch below), Pastor Robyn Elliott highlights the tension between the call to forgive and the struggle we face with pain and injustice. The message encourages a deeper understanding of forgiveness, not as a transaction to “buy” God’s forgiveness, but as a transformative act that mirrors God’s grace. Ultimately, Jesus’ vision is of a world where forgiveness replaces retribution, offering a path to freedom, healing, and restoration.

Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, or family, or for personal reflection.

  1. With a different lens through which to view this verse, has your understanding of God’s forgiveness changed? How does this impact your understanding of the call to forgive?
  2. What does forgiveness mean to you personally, and how do you practice it in your life? 
  3. How does the idea of forgiveness, as Wilma Derksen described it, being “fresh, ongoing, and ever-present” resonate with you? 
  4. Jesus talks about forgiving others in order to receive forgiveness from God. In your view, is forgiveness conditional or unconditional? 
  5. The Amish community’s forgiveness of a gunman who stormed into a one-room schoolhouse, shooting 10 young girls (and killing five) made headlines almost 20 years ago. How do you feel about this act of forgiveness in light of the violence that occurred? What would your response have been?
  6. What do you think it means to forgive someone when you don’t necessarily feel forgiveness toward them? How can you start the process of forgiveness if the feelings aren’t there?
  7. How does Jesus’ constant example of forgiveness, especially towards his executioners, affect your perspective on forgiving others in your own life? Is there someone you need to forgive right now? 
  8. In what ways can practicing daily forgiveness lead to freedom? What challenges do you face when trying to forgive and let go of grudges?
  9. If you’re struggling to forgive, or haven’t processed the pain involved, what steps are you taking to find healing and freedom? Could you benefit from Celebrate Recovery or Griefwalk? Or could you start the process by meeting with a pastor? You can reach out to any of our pastors here at Lakeside.