About Us

A Community Helping People Discover And Fully Follow Jesus

Who We Are

Lakeside Church exists to help all people discover and fully follow Jesus. It’s as simple as that.

It’s been part of our DNA since 1989 when 40 families had a vision that church should be a place of spiritual growth and discovery, not just for those who already believe.

Today, Lakeside is a radically inclusive place with a deep faith and wide embrace. It’s for anyone and everyone, regardless of age, race, sexuality, socioeconomic status, or background. We’re all on a journey of learning and growth. Lakeside Church exists today so that we can do that together.

Who We Aspire To Be


A place of presence
A people becoming
A place of oasis
A people and place of restoration
A community of deep faith and wide embrace

Frequently Asked Questions

What denomination is Lakeside?

We are not connected to any one denomination, rather, together in community, we are exploring how to do life with Jesus. We are continually asking, “How does my following Jesus bless and improve the world around me — my family, friends, neighbourhood, and beyond?” We’d love you to join us on this quest!

What if I have no church background?

All the better! We’d love to hear what YOU have to say and what YOU believe, and we’d love to share our experience of following Jesus and how God is transforming, healing, and restoring us. We’d love to get to know YOU!

What if I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community?

Lakeside exists to help all people discover and fully follow Jesus. Whether you are gay, straight, trans, queer, questioning, or unsure … whatever language describes you best, you are not only welcome here but fully included. Not sure what that means? Click here to learn more.

Do I have to believe everything you believe?

At Lakeside our emphasis is on encountering God’s incredible love for us and sharing that love with each other. We have some basic core beliefs around which we agree, but we are constantly exploring, learning, and rethinking as we navigate the interface of faith and life … together.

Why would I want to attend Lakeside?

We’re part of an amazing community and there is no shortage of churches you could attend in the city. We’re not in competition but rather we encourage you to try a few on for size. Our hope for every person is that they find a place to call home – a place where they can ask questions, develop relationships with others, and grow in their faith. If that place, for you, is Lakeside … Welcome Home!

What does theologically diverse mean?

You will find people who attend our church who hold a wide variety of beliefs on many different issues. We strive for unity, not uniformity. We don’t see complete agreement on everything as a litmus test for community. We simply ask that whatever perspective you hold, you act with kindness, grace, and humility, acknowledging that others may see things differently.