Restoration: Stewards of the Planet Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What’s something that you are...
Restoration: Embodied Faith Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What is the relationship you have with...
Restoration: Restoring the Divine Image Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What was something new you learned...
Restoration: Overcoming Shame Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What was YOUR impression of...
Restoration: Introduction These questions are connected to the introductory message of our 5-part series called Restoration. You can watch it here. What stood out to...
This is Us – Mike’s Story These questions are connected to the message, This is Us – Mike’s Story. What part of Mike’s story resonated with you? Where...
Experiencing Jesus As The Way These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus As The Way. You can watch it here. What stood out to you from this...
Experiencing Jesus as Saviour These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus as Saviour. You can watch it here. Robyn said testimonies are living...