
Baptism at Lakeside

Why get baptized?

One of the key steps in following Jesus is being baptized. It’s a very powerful spiritual experience. It’s a living symbol of the neat change that happens to us as we live each day with Jesus. When we go down into the water it’s like we’re dying to our old way of being — our old self, and coming up out of the water as this new person — the real you! It’s not magic but it is mysterious. God is at work in us as we participate in this beautiful, living, experiential practice. So, who wouldn’t want that?


We’re so excited that you want to commit to being a follower of Jesus! It’s what we’re about here at Lakeside — discovering Jesus and fully following in his steps as we live out our faith in the everyday stuff of life. We’re certainly not perfect at it, but together we’re helping each other figure it all out.

Click the button below so one of our pastors can chat with you. You can ask any questions about baptism and we can walk you through the process from start to finish.