Lakeside Church


We are made to be in relationship with other people. There's a God-shaped hole in each of us that only God can fill, but there's also a people-shaped hole that's designed to be filled by real, genuine human connection. Community is one of our core values here at Lakeside and it's our desire to see everyone experience authentic relationship with other people.

“I said I would never join a small group … and then I joined one, and met some of the most wonderful women. We don’t just watch a video or read a book every Thursday – we really do life together.” – Amanda


Authentic relationship doesn’t happen immediately, but it starts by getting to know others, by making yourself available, and opening up to the possibility of community. Pick a group and try it out.


Volunteering is not only a great way to find fulfillment, give back, and use your gifts and abilities, but it’s also a great way to get to know other people. During these COVID times, things look a little different but there are still opportunities to help out.


What are you passionate about? How do you enjoy connecting with others? Start a book club, a walking group, a morning coffee date, a video chat, a weekly Zoom social. You’re not limited to what you find on the groups page. Take a chance and reach out. You never know who’s waiting for you to make the first move.


We're here to help.