Groups & Gatherings

Ready to Get Connected?

Genuine connection with others doesn’t happen by sitting in a row on Sunday morning. It’s only when we allow others into our journey in the other 168 hours of our week that we can build an authentic and deep faith.

Relationships and growth take time to develop when we open ourselves to the possibility of community.

To begin, that could be a Bible study, a book club, a support group, a volleyball team, or any opportunity for a small group of people to connect and journey together. We invite you to explore some of the opportunities we have available.

Check back often as new groups and gatherings are being added all the time.

GATHERINGS are social events and get-togethers led and hosted by Lakeside people for the sole purpose of connecting in community. These are casual, typically one-time events (though they can happen weekly for a season). Think dinner parties, games nights, movie night, meet-ups in the park, groups going for a hike, or coming together to enjoy a shared hobby. The possibilities are endless.

GROUPS are where Lakesiders meet to dive into a specific book, video, or topic, or just meet to pray. Sometimes groups meet for a set period of time (6-8 weeks) or they meet regularly throughout the year – each group looks a little bit different. These groups can be where lasting friendships are formed, and members often build strong, meaningful connections.

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