Leaning into Lent: The Tax Trap In this message, we dive into how Jesus challenged the corrupt religious and political systems of his time. While taxes today fund public...
Leaning into Lent: Flipping Tables In this message, we reflect on the powerful moment when Jesus overturned the tables in the temple, challenging the corrupt religious and...
Leaning into Lent: Jesus Weeps As we enter into this season of Lent, we reflect on Jesus’ final week and what it reveals about his character. We explore his weeping...
This is Us: Jack’s Story Jack Ninaber’s journey is one of faith, challenges, and transformation. Through loss, uncertainty, and bold leaps of faith, he discovered...
One Line At A Time: For Yours is the Kingdom Was the final line of the Lord’s Prayer always there? Scholars have found that ‘For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the...
One Line At A Time: Deliver Us From the Evil In this message, Pastor Robyn Elliott explores the concept of the Lord’s Prayer, particularly the demand, “deliver us from the...
One Line At A Time: Forgiveness Forgiveness is not just a one-time act but an ongoing process that shapes our relationships and actions. In this message (you can watch...
One Line At A Time: Daily Bread Give us this day our daily bread. In this message, Kevin Coghill (from Royal City Mission) highlights the powerful symbolism of bread as...
One Line At A Time: Your Kingdom Come Your kingdom come, your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. In this message, we explore these lines from the Lord’s Prayer and...
One Line At A Time: Hallowed Be Your Name In this message from Joash Thomas, we focus on the line “Hallowed Be Your Name” from the Lord’s Prayer, exploring its...
One Line at a Time: God Beyond Gender (Father in Heaven) In this message, Pastor Robyn Elliott dives into the concept of God as both masculine and feminine, moving beyond traditional gendered...
One Line At A Time: Introduction (Our) Sometimes, the simplest prayers hold the deepest truths. In this introductory message, Pastor Robyn Elliott introduces us to the series,...
Blessed in the Mess: Christmas Life with Jesus is not about avoiding difficulty but about finding God in the midst of it. This Christmas (and always), we are called to...
Blessed in the Mess: Seeing the Beloved in the Broken Mercy is not merely an action, but a lens through which we are called to see others, especially the undeserving. In this message, Pastor...
Blessed in the Mess: The Heart that Sees God Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. How do you personally define “purity...
Blessed in the Mess: Comfort in Grief Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What do grief and mourning look like...
Blessed in the Mess: The Costly Call to Peacemaking Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What does shalom mean to you? How do...
Blessed in the Mess: Rethinking Poverty, Power, and the Kingdom of God Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What does it mean for compassion to...
Blessed in the Mess: Confronting Our Comfort Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. Robyn said, “comfort compromises...
Blessed in the Mess: Meekness Redefined Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. How do you define meekness, and how...
Blessed in the Mess: Blowing Up #Blessed Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. To watch the message, use the link at...
Restoration: Stewards of the Planet Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What’s something that you are...
Restoration: Embodied Faith Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What is the relationship you have with...
Restoration: Restoring the Divine Image Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What was something new you learned...
Restoration: Overcoming Shame Use these discussion questions with your small group, friends, family, or for individual reflection. What was YOUR impression of...
Restoration: Introduction These questions are connected to the introductory message of our 5-part series called Restoration. You can watch it here. What stood out to...
This is Us – Mike’s Story These questions are connected to the message, This is Us – Mike’s Story. What part of Mike’s story resonated with you? Where...
Experiencing Jesus As The Way These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus As The Way. You can watch it here. What stood out to you from this...
Experiencing Jesus as Saviour These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus as Saviour. You can watch it here. Robyn said testimonies are living...
Experiencing Jesus as Friend These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus as Friend. You can watch it here. What caught your attention or challenged...
Coming to the Table These questions are connected to the message, Coming to the Table the first message in a 2-part series from Joash Thomas called Living the...
When God is Up to Something New These questions are connected to the message, When God is Up to Something New. You can watch it here. What stood out to you from this...
Judah & Tamar These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t hear in Sunday School: Judah & Tamar. You can watch this message...
Bathsheba These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Bathsheba. You can watch it here. What stood out...
Walls of Jericho These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Walls of Jericho. You can watch it here. What...
Abraham & Isaac These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Abraham & Isaac. You can watch it here. What...
Jonah These questions are related to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Jonah. You can watch it here. What moral or...
Unity Not Uniformity These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Unity not Uniformity, from Sunday, June 2, 2024....
Transphobia These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Transphobia. You can watch it here. Have you...
Sodom & Gomorrah These questions are related to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Sodom & Gomorrah, from Sunday, May 19, 2024. You...
Proverbs 31 These questions are connected to the message from Stuff We Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Proverbs 31 from Sunday, May 12, 2024. You can...
How Does a Loving God Send People to Hell? These discussion questions are connected to the message, Questions We Don’t Ask in Church: How Does a Loving God Send People to Hell?...
Where is God in My Suffering? These discussion questions are connected from the message, Questions We Don’t Ask in Church: Where is God in My Suffering?, from Sunday,...
Unanswered Prayer These questions are connected to the message, Questions We Don’t Ask in Church: Unanswered Prayer from Sunday, April 14, 2024. You can...
Why Do the Innocent Suffer? These questions are connected to the message, Why Do the Innocent Suffer? from Sunday, April 7, 2024. You can watch it here. What stood out...