Lakeside Church

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Speaker: Robyn Elliott

  • February 13, 2022

    Series: In Training

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    Some things become so common, they lose all power and significance, and we stop paying attention. But Jesus gave us a prayer, one we may have memories of reciting in school or church, or hearing others repeat the words. It often sounds rote, monotone, and mundane, but hiding in those words are political and revolutionary undertones. It’s a victory cry from the marginalized, a challenge to the privileged, an ultimatum to the halls of power, a refusal to dabble in life change, and an invitation to be all in. In this message, Pastor Robyn Elliott walks us through the second half of the most famous prayer in the Bible, a prayer that, if we can bring ourselves to pray it, may disturb our apathy and shake us to the core.

  • January 16, 2022

    Series: In Training

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    What could the vision of an ancient rabbi have to do with us? What if I told you: EVERYTHING?! In this message from Pastor Robyn Elliott, we discover in Luke 10:1-20 a powerful and slightly weird (by contemporary standards) vision that Jesus had that is actually our calling – our destiny – and invites us into a radical way of seeing the world.

  • January 2, 2022

    Series: Vision Sunday

    Join Pastors Robyn and Marc as they lead us through a time of reflection on the past year, on what God is doing inside you, and on the year ahead.

  • December 21, 2021

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    To do what Jesus did, we have to live like Jesus lived. That’s tough for us in 21st century North America where we idolize power, sensationalism, and greatness. Be honest, given the chance, we’d all like to be great. Today in our passage, Jesus exposes what was at the heart of the disciples’ powerlessness in mission and the unexpected anecdote (it might surprise you). Join us as Pastor Robyn Elliott unpacks Luke 9:37-50.

    Since we covered the demonic realm in the messages below, it is not a focus in this message but you may be interested in learning more.

  • November 21, 2021

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    In this message from Pastor Robyn Elliott (Luke 9:10-17) we witness a miracle — the only miracle besides the resurrection — that’s recorded in all four gospels! That’s HUGE! And the miracle? Food. Feeding hungry people. Jesus not only dignifies the most basic, universal need of humanity but invites us to bring our not enough and watch as he makes it enough, and more than enough. It’s pretty awesome that God chose something as simple and basic as food — the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs — to represent God’s self. Jesus demonstrates that when we’re feeling empty and depleted He longs to feed and to fill us.

  • November 14, 2021

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    Jesus was a surprise. You could even say he was a walking, talking perplexity. There’s no arguing that. Everyone wanted to know, Who is this man? And some had some pretty crazy suggestions! We’re still asking that question and the answer, changes everything. In this message, Pastor Robyn walks us through the answer to that question and the shocking implications for us as followers of Jesus.

  • October 24, 2021

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    Every family has a family name which does two things: 1. it identifies us from other families, and 2. it identifies us as one family — who’s part of our family and who isn’t. In today’s passage (Luke 8:19-21) Jesus pushes against traditional family ties, not to disparage the family, but to enlarge it to include those who we wouldn’t normally consider family. Our collective family name is JESUS! In these few verses we unpack the earth-shattering, unfathomable, ground-breaking challenge of Jesus to expand our concept of family to include any and all who “hear the message and do it” (Luke 8:15).

  • September 19, 2021

    Speaker: Robyn Elliott

    What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles? Everywhere he went he was displaying his power over disease, nature, and even death. But at the heart of these displays of power we see the heart of Jesus for people, particularly the vulnerable. In this message, Pastor Robyn Elliott takes us through a section of Luke 7 and shows us how Jesus again blows us away with his call to justice — social justice. How do we join him? Let’s grab a bier with Jesus!

  • September 6, 2021

    This week, we bless Jeff as he transitions from his role as Executive Pastor. Marc and Robyn also have a Q & A with questions inspired by our journey through the book of Luke.