Lakeside Church

Fear Factor (Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023)

These questions are connected to the message, Fear Factor, from Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023. You can watch it here.

  1. What challenged you, inspired you, or encouraged you from this message?
  2. Robyn said, “Fear is a completely human condition,” but throughout the Bible, Jesus tells us not to fear. What gets stirred up inside you when you hear both of those ideas? Are there times in your life when you’ve felt guilty (or another emotion) for being afraid?
  3. Have you ever been in a desperate, almost hopeless situation? How did you respond? Was your first instinct to turn to God? How might you respond after hearing this message?
  4. As a church, we are in a place of transition. How have you been using the prayer cards ( to keep your eyes fixed on God? If you haven’t been using the card, what step will you take this week to begin?
  5. Have you ever prayed words that are aspirational – where you’re praying something that you don’t yet believe or feel in the moment? Why did you pray that way? Is there benefit to praying this way? Could this be the “sacrifice of praise” spoken of in Hebrews 13:15?
  6. Re-read verses 7-11 – recounting the mighty acts of God. Where in your life have you seen God “show up” or experienced God’s intimate presence? Can you take a moment now and recount the actions and/or presence of God in your life?