Lakeside Church

Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024 / Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Genesis 1

These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Genesis 1, from Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. Today’s passage was about the first creation story. What was new to you? Was there anything from this message that either challenged you or inspired you?
  2. A time capsule holds historical records or objects representative of a specific time. Robyn compared the scripture to a time capsule. How does seeing the Bible in this way help diffuse contentious debates around Genesis 1 or other questionable passages of scripture?
  3. If you look at this passage as being about the “who” of creation and not the “how” of it,  what impact does that have for you?
  4. Robyn said that the ancients cared less about facts and cared more about the “why” of things. After hearing the message today, how does this statement reflect how you have read or understood this passage? Has your view changed? Might there be other passages where the “facts” have caused you to miss the point?
  5. Genesis 1:27 is the first poem in scripture. Hebrew poetry is about repetition – saying the same thing in different ways. Repetition aids in remembering. How does it make you feel that the first time poetry is used in scripture it is about the dignity of humanity? What is the impact of that for you when you consider God’s view of our place in creation?
  6. Read Psalm 8 and take a moment to reflect in this text. What stands out for you? What from this passage is new for you?