Lakeside Church

Good Friday & Easter Sunday 2023

These questions are connected to the messages from Good Friday and Easter Sunday 2023. You can watch the Easter Sunday message here.

  1. If you’re familiar with the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection, what did you learn on Good Friday or Easter Sunday that was challenging or new? Was something explained in a way you hadn’t heard before? What most stood out for you?
  2. The way of Jesus didn’t die with Jesus. When you think of the way Jesus lived his life here on earth, what parallels do you see between his life and your own? What are some of the biggest challenges in our time and place to following the Jesus way?
  3. The resurrection reminds us that death is not the end, and suffering is not a marker of God’s absence. What are the implications of this when we are in the midst of disappointment and pain? If you’ve been in a dark place, how did the reality of the resurrection make a difference?
  4. Is beauty a word you would normally associate with the Jesus story? Where do you see the beauty of Jesus all around you?
  5. It’s often easier to see the darkness, but what is one thing you could do this week to become aware of the small beauties all around you?
  6. We celebrated baptisms on Easter Sunday. If you’ve been baptized (confirmed) and remember it, share your experience and/or what it meant to you. If you haven’t been baptized, what is holding you back?