Lakeside Church

Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024 / A New Lens for a New Year

These questions are connected to the message, A New Lens for a New Year from Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. Finish one of the four statements Marc mentioned (I need to, I want to, I should probably, Others wish I would). What’s the first thing that comes to mind? How does it make you feel? And how do you cope with those feelings?
  2. Read John 13:34-35 again. How did your understanding or interpretation of this passage change or shift as a result of hearing this message? How are you impacted when you consider the weight of “this” in verse 35 – that our love for one another is the measure of our Jesus-following and the vehicle of Jesus’ message? How has or hasn’t this aligned with your understanding of what it means to be a Christian? Do you find this threatening or a great relief?
  3. What decision have you made recently where you used the lens, What does love require of me, to find a solution? Or what decision have you made recently where that filter could have brought a different resolution? Share with your group if you’re comfortable.
  4. What are you most excited for in this series?