Lakeside Church

Sunday, January 14, 2024 / Unpacking Religious Baggage

These discussion questions and resources are connected to the message, Unpacking Religious Baggage from Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. You can watch it here or listen to it here.


In addition to the discussion questions below, if you want to dig deeper, here are some links to past sermons I referenced that may be helpful, book recommendations, and more.

  1. Robyn’s sermon on The Bible (from the series, This is Us)
  2. Marc’s sermon on Scripture (from the series, How to Hear God’s Voice)
  3. Book: Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton. This is my favourite book to recommend. It is easy to read, comprehensive, and answers so many practical questions about the Bible, even if you are completely brand new to Bible reading.
  4. Book: Irresistible by Andy Stanley. If you want to dig deeper into the idea of covenants, the most comprehensive, accessible (and fun) book we have found on this topic is this one.
  5. (BONUS) Book: The Art of Sauna Building. I mean, I spoke about saunas in my sermon, so in case you are looking for resources on how to build one, this is the one that’s on my nightstand.


  1. What stood out for you from this message? What challenged you, inspired you, or confused you?
  2. Has there been a time in your life where your desire to love God more trampled on your love for other people? Maybe it was arguing for a theological certainty, avoiding a situation with a friend because it butted up against your beliefs, or simply choosing to walk away from someone or something because you didn’t agree. If you could go back and do it again, would you react differently?
  3. How has the Old Testament figured into your understanding of God and exploration of faith? Has it evolved or changed? Does this message give you pause to rethink that?
  4. Marc said, “there is a part of your bible that says there is a part of your bible that is incorrect.” Discuss this idea of an imperfect old covenant.
  5. What do you need to let go of in your life (old covenant)  in order to move forward and shift into a new way of living?
  6. What questions do you have that would help you reconcile the idea of the Old Testament being an outdated and expired contract? Next month, we will be starting a new series that may help answer some of those questions. If you’re meeting with a group or doing this on your own and would like to compile a list of questions, you can submit them to