Lakeside Church

Sunday, March 3, 2024 / Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Adam & Eve

These questions are connected to the message, Stuff You Didn’t Hear in Sunday School: Adam & Eve from Sunday, March 3, 2024. You can watch it here.

  1. What stood out for you from this message? What challenged you, inspired you, or confused you? Where are you getting stuck or where do you find yourself motivated to learn more? What new information did you hear?
  2. What questions have you asked about this story in the past, or what questions might you ask now if you were hearing it for the first time? Make a list and separate the points that are bogged down with superfluous detail from the ones that demand a closer look.
  3. Now, turn the gem. Use one of the points from #2 to dig deeper. What could be happening? What’s going on? Where do you see God?
  4. Where do you see yourself in this story? When have you tried to do life on your own and things got hard?
  5. What are you learning about God through this series? What are you learning about yourself?